Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Moving: How to Organize Your Packing

Packing properly and in an orderly fashion may take a little more time up front.  It also making unpacking once you arrive in your new place much more efficient.  Even if everything doesn't get unpacked right away you will still be able to find it when you need it!


1)  Boxes and/or totes
2)  Packing tape
3)  Scissors
4)  Old towels, newspaper, paper towel or packing wrap for breakable items
5)  Index Cards (multiple colors if possible)
6)  Black and Red Sharpie
7)  Notebook with pen to take notes


1)  Go room by room.  Use a different color index card for each room.  Label room and contents and tape to the box.
2) Pack items you won't need like:  decor, knick knacks, books, holiday decor and stuff, off season clothing, toys.
3)  Make a survival box for each person and label it.  This box has 3-4 outfits, toothbrush, toiletries, lovies for kids and any other essentials.  Label these with a bright color and the person's name.  These boxes should go in your vehicle not in the moving van.
4)  Try to limit weight of boxes.
5)  Stack boxes in room until your moving day. 
6) Wrap breakable items in newspaper, bubble wrap or dish towels.
7)  Use boxes for lighter items and use totes for the heavy stuff.
8)  Put personal items and survival boxes in your vehicle.  This will make these things very accessible.

With just a little prep work and planning you can simplify your move.  Hopefully this will make your un-packing go smoother.  Have fund setteling into your new place!

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