This is the last stop shop. For me its my laundry room. Everything we are getting rid of goes here for sorting. From there it is either donated, sold or stored. Here are the sorting stations I have set up downstairs on our shelving units:
1) Two totes for items to sell at kid's consignment store
2) Box for items to donate
3) Box for thrift sale stuff
4) Totes for kid's next size clothing. Pass down items go in these totes.
5) Box for gifts. When I find good deals these gift items are organized here until the event.
6) Tote for baby items I am not ready to part with.
7) Treasure tote for each child. Lovies, favorite baby blanket, baptismal clothing/keepsakes, handmade items or gifts the kids are too young for go in their special tote. Each child has one. This will leave with them when they move out :(
8) I use paper bags for items I am giving to other people. I write their name on it and when its full I drop it off. Usually its kids clothes I am not passing down so I pass them on to other little ones. It could even be clothes I have borrowed and am now ready to return.
This has been a great system for organizing the items that are immediately or in the near future leaving our house. Its in one central spot and keeps the rest of our house free of unmanageable clutter.
Pick an extra bedroom, laundry room or storage area in your home to set up shop. If you don't have existing shelving no biggie. Just line up your sorting bins along a wall. Use index cards to label them. As long as its orderly that all that really matters. Figure out which categories your need bins or boxes for and good luck sorting!
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