Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Best Toys to Keep for Kids

Not all toys are equal.  Some are a fleeting fancy and other stand the test of time.  The ones that are the best to keep are the toys that span generations.  Toys that fuel creativity and interest.  Pass on the gimmicks.  Kids are fickle.  They will love them for a moment and discard them the next.  Here are our Top 10 favorite toys and activities:

1)  Dress Up Clothes
2)  Kitchen with play food and dishes
3)  All building items: leggos, duplos, big blocks, Lincoln Logs
4)  Trains and Trucks
5)  Baby dolls with accessories
6)  Art and craft supplies
7)  Play Doh and accessories
8)  Puzzles
9)  Books
10)  Games

These are a great list of items if friends or family ask what to get for gifts.  We also suggest gift cards to go and do things.  Experiences are often better than material stuff anyway! 

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