Thursday, February 12, 2015

Organizing Statistics

I love statistics.  The only thing I love even more is organizing statistics.  If you have been reluctant to de-clutter and start organizing then hopefully this post will shove you (nicely of course) over the edge to act.  Food for thought:

  • We keep 80% of items that we never end up using (

  • We only wear 20% of what we own (

  • If people decreased the amount of clutter they have in their house they would have 40% less housework to do (

  • The storage facility business is $154 billion which is larger than the Hollywood business.

  • On average people spend 1 year looking for lost or misplaced items (

  • According to the US Department of Energy 1/4 of people with a two car garage can not park a car in it.

These are just some great reasons to get started on cleaning out your stuff.   

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